2024 Cameron Crockett's Essay

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First Poom
 I will be testing for my first
degree black belt. I started Taekwondo in January 2021 right before
my fifth birthday. My parents wanted me to learn self-defense, but I
mostly wanted to do it because my sister was doing it. I thought it
would be fun to do something together. She always looked so cool
practicing her moves, Plus, it looks awesome to spend time with her and
learn new things together. At the beginning, it was really exciting
because I got to see new faces and be in a new place. I loved
experiencing new things, and I even liked going to competitions. It was
fun meeting new friends and learning cool moves. Competitions were
awesome because I got to show what I learned. The higher the belt
I’ve gotten the harder it has been to stay motivated to come and
practice everyday. The most challenging part has been learning and
memorizing the required moves for the black belt test. One important
lesson I've learned is that achieving anything worthwhile in life
requires hard work and dedication. Success doesn't come easily, and
you have to put in the effort and continue at it .I want to thank my
parents for always motivating me to go to class, even when I didn’t
feel like going. I also want to thanks G. Master Park and all the other
instructors for helping me reach my goal of getting my first-degree
black belt. A special thanks to my big sister Cheyanne for practicing
with me at home and at the studio even when I didn’t want to. I
couldn’t have done it without y’all.